Here is an interesting video that I found of 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul being interviewed by Gloria Borger of CNN news.
Why I found this interesting is because of the approach that Borger takes when she is interviewing Paul. While the first part of the interview is okay, I think that she gets stuck -- quite deliberately -- on questions about Paul's involvement in a newsletter that had some very unsavory aspects to it.
Watch the interview below to see what I mean.
I personally don't see what else Paul could have said in response to the question. He didn't read the content of the newsletter (which is completely understandable, if you're a public figure and have a lot of ghostwriters working for you), he disavowed it, and he basically wanted to move on from the question. What more could he say on the topic?
I personally don't agree with Paul's politics. Frankly, I think about half of his ideas are evolutionarily and possibly good and half are crazy enough that they would destroy the United States if he was in power. But, I do have to give him credit here and say that he was treated unfairly in this interview, and I believe that the mistreatment was deliberate on the part of Borger.
What are your thoughts?
Bonus: Here are CNN's thoughts on the interview.
Here are one of Paul's supporter thoughts on the matter: