Friday, April 29, 2011

Top Ten Predictions for The Office TV Series

Pam HalpertImage via Wikipedia
Since The Office, at least judging from what I saw last night, can't get too much worse in life, I decided to make some predictions for the top ten things that will happen in the next season. Leave a comment and tell me how close to reality I am.

1. Jim and Pam will divorce and Jim will declare his undying love for Oscar.

2. Will Farrell will spend approximately half of each episode farting uncomfortably close Stanley's face.

3. Michael will make several return cameos for each show, each time wearing a hat more outrageous than the last time.

4. Pam and Erin will appear topless in at least one episode, possibly while engaged in a Jello fight.

5. Each episode will have theme music composed by the Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra. This will be performed loudly in the background as the characters drink vodka and beat small children.

6. Holly will be revealed to be a man pretending to be a woman and later a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman.

7. Erin will make out with Andy, Toby, Gabe, Darryl, Kevin, and Oscar as well as several unnamed guest stars.

8. Dialogue will now be written on the backs of wet napkins and handed to cast member exactly seven minutes before each scene is shot.

9. At least one cast member will wear a shirt during the filming of each episode.

10. Dwight will marry a 17 year old girl from Botswana through a mail order bride service.

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