April 30: George Washington becomes the first President of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
"Martha, have we gotten a letter from Johnny lately? No? Oh well."
"I think that green, yes ... green would be a good color."
"Slaves? Why, I'll take two."
"Martha, the only thing I am president of tonight is your knickers."
"I does look rather like a horse, doesn't it?"
"Um ... uh ... I'm not sure."
"Get off of my desk, you idiot pidgeon."
"Say, I rather like this fellow. Send him a five pound note."
"And ... that ... that is why, like I was saying to my mother one time when she was complaining about it -- YOU OLD HAG -- I was ... saying that ... uh, I lost my thought. Oh yes. When she was ... uh ... she was walking out to the old horse, she tripped. And that's how I won twenty dollars."