Crime Dramas
I appreciate the guest post, Marian Combs
I have a little bit of an addiction to crime dramas. I will watch any of them, regardless of whether or not they’re even really good shows. If there is a marathon of Law and Order: SVU on, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be sitting in front of it, wiling away hours of time that I should really be using to do something productive. I can’t help it; it’s a sickness at this point. I don’t even like CSI: Miami, but I will absolutely sit on the couch and watch back to back episodes on a Sunday. One of my favorites is Criminal Minds. I think it’s one of the few that isn’t completely predictable, and most of the shows are actually fairly intelligent. My least favorite is Law and Order: Criminal Intent, for the sole reason that I can’t stand the character of Goren. He is supposed to be a charmingly neurotic, from what I can gather, but he mostly just comes off as completely crazy for the most part. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still watch it if it’s on. I’ll just be really annoyed by his character the entire time I’m watching it. See if you can Buy Direct TV and see for yourself.