Sunday, September 11, 2011

Marine in Afghanistan asks Mila Kunis to the 3/2 Marine Corps Ball

Here is the famous invitation from a few weeks ago where a marine asked Mila Kunis to a Marine Corps Ball. The cool thing was that she accepted!

I think that it speaks a lot of the character of Mila that she was willing to accept the invitation from the marine. A lot of actresses in her position would have said no. So, not only is Mila hot, but she's also a lady. Good for her.

The only thing better in terms of the marine would be if she let him kiss her good night ...

Or if she went home with him for the night ...

Ah, Mila Kunis.
Mila Kunis 24X36 Poster - Sexy Half Naked Hottie! WOW! #07
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