On March 14
The Orlando Sentinel published a column by Ted Williams a regular
columnist for Audubon Magazine. In the article, Williams a supposed
“wildlife expert” and wannabe cat killer gives tips
to readers on how to deal with stray and feral cats.
He suggests to readers that they kill these sweet beautiful animals
with Tylenol. He does not apparently see the irony of stopping one
wildlife killing by committing a different act of murder. Williams
after pressure from cat lovers everywhere and only grudgingly The National Audubon Society
itself somewhat retracted his statement, but clearly was only paying
lip service and only regretted getting in trouble for his earlier
comments, not making the comments
themselves. The National Audubon Society immediately felt that this
half-hearted mea-culpa was sufficient in their eyes and reinstated
Williams as a regular columnist after only 11 days of suspension. This
sends a message to all worthless, arrogant, reckless
journalists everywhere that they can spout any indefensible nonsense,
hide behind their “enthusiasm” for the topic and get away with only a
miniscule slap on the wrist. I love my feral cat colony; most to this
point have been trapped, neutered and released.
I encourage cat lovers everywhere that have also to this point been
Audubon members to withdraw their support. Cats are not the problem
with bird deaths. Human encroachment has pushed birds and cats into the
same small areas and it is proving to have consequences.
Birds and cats have coexisted for thousands of years; do we now punish
cats for only doing what is instinctual behavior? I strongly believe
that Williams meant every word that was published and that some idiots
out there will try his preferred method of cat
murder and slay innocent animals guilty of nothing but existing.
Animals do not have to be pets to be loved and appreciated. Many people
in this world feed and care, to the best of their abilities, all kinds
of animals. My family has been feeding, caring
and giving homes to stray cats and dogs for many years. We also feed a
tiding of Magpies. No one animal should be held responsible for the
decimation of bird life unless it is humans. Please send a message to
The National Audubon Society and withdraw your
support now and in the future. Let them know that sponsorship of animal killing is not acceptable and will not be tolerated!